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2017 Eclipse. Recorded on Cannon DV (full screen)

Eclipse 2017

August 2017 was a full eclipse that would be seen in certain parts of the United States. The Pacific Northwest would be one of them.

In February of 1979, a full eclipse would happen in Washington State but cloudy weather prevented this from being seen in the western part of the state while the eastern part of the state had the right viewing conditions.

This is being reposted just before the Aunnular Eclipse started on October 14, 2023. Cloud weather is a concern again. If it appears, it will be recorded again.

This eclipse was recorded on DV (with the proper filters). Go Pro cameras don't offer the right recording conditions that resulted in a grainy recording.

Corona of the 2017 eclipse

Thankfully, a family member recorded a great shop of the corona with an IPhone as catching it with another camera option didn't happen due to an unavailable tripod.

It was a once in a lifetime moment that was sucessfully recorded right from the front port in Lebanon.