Tim Babcock logo (Computer support since 1984)

Non Tech Section

There are many subjects that are covered as non-tech on this website.

This website started as a non-tech website, covering many topics including the landing of the last Concord onto Boeing Field.

As a photographer, many shots have been taken in the Puget Sound area as well as the state of Oregon.

Many of the these photos are shared in this section of the website.

Some of the photos shared have been featured in photo shows and a few have received awards.

With an extensive background of photography that started in high school at the Puget Sound Skills Center and extended while working for Photoworks (Seattle Film Works) since the early digital cameras of the 21st century, the media library has been active.

Many subjects of interest are covered that have been documented through the camera lens by myself and others (that are noted when used0.

Enjoy the photos but please keep them on this website.

Many of the photos are the property of Tim Babcock (unless noted).